Sport Inclusion Network successful with new European Refugees project
In summer the European Commission has called for projects on the integration and social inclusion of refugees through sport. Out of 70 received, eleven projects were selected for the 2019 edition of the call. One of the successful pan-European projects is “Sport Inclusion of Refugees across Europe” (SPIN Refugees).
Girl Power in the European Week of Sport
In seven countries partners of the SPIN WOMEN project facilitate sport events with women and girls with a migrant or ethnic minority background.
“Girl Power” poster for the European Week of Sport
To reach more visibility and to support the activities taking place during the European Week of Sport the partner organisations of the SPIN Women project produced and diseminate the new “Girl Power” poster that is available for download.
Sport Welcomes Refugees Project: Implementation, Results and Lessons Learned
Between January 2017 and December 2018, the eight partners implemented the ERASMUS+ sport project in the following countries: Austria, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Portugal. In addition, the Knowledge Centre for Sports Netherlands carried out...
Call for Participation
Train-the-trainer seminar to enhance social inclusion of migrants and girls in Sports; Berlin, 30 November 12.00 – to 1 December 2019 16.30.