Making Sport More Inclusive – Refugee Athletes as Role Models

Making Sport More Inclusive – Refugee Athletes as Role Models

In a joint effort with SPIN Refugees project partners, we have invited athletes with a refugee background to raise awareness about the role of sport toward social inclusion. In their testimonial videos, the “United for Inclusion” Ambassadors emphasize the valuable contribution of refugees and asylum seekers to sport, from the grassroots level to national teams and the Olympic Games!

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SPIN Refugees Public Event: Celebrating diversity and 25 years fairplay

SPIN Refugees Public Event: Celebrating diversity and 25 years fairplay

Following a long period of Covid-19 restrictions, which made it almost impossible to have public, in-person events, there was an urgent need to present and share SPIN Refugees activities with the target groups of the project, in particular local sport clubs, refugee & migrant sport initiatives/projects and to sport media.

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European Training for future Inclusive Sports Trainers

European Training for future Inclusive Sports Trainers

A physical training workshop on inclusive sport gathered the partner organizations of the SPIN Refugees project. The three-day train-the-trainer workshop in Zurndorf (Austria) trained participants to become Trainer Inclusive Sports. The trainers will become experts for inclusion within sports organisations. The participants practiced training and communication skills and learned how to actively acquire knowledge about inclusion.

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SPIN WOMEN – Publications

SPIN WOMEN – Publications

The most relevant outcomes of the SPIN WOMEN project supporting others to make sport more inclusive for migrant women and girls.

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