SPIN WOMEN – Publications

July 15, 2021

After 2,5 years of great work, the project “Sport Inclusion of Migrant and Minority Women – Promoting sports participation and leadership capacities (SPIN Women)” came to an end. The conference “An obstacle course – Inclusion and participation of migrant women & girls in sport” together with the opening of the exhibition “[in]visible – minority and migrant women in sport” in Vienna (31 May/1 June) was the final highlight of this successful project.

We now want to give you a brief overview on the main publications and outputs of the project.

General project leaflet

Workpackage 1. Research on successful strategies and empowerment: Creating an empirical base for social inclusion through sport

Equal access and participatino of migrant women and girls in sport – A study report (IO 1)
Action Research (IO 2) in Italian
Report of the Study based on Focus Groups made in all partners countries on barriers and sucessful strategies of women and girls in sport

Action Research for inclusion: migrant women and girls in sport (IO 2)
The report of the three Action Researches conducted in Finland, Germany and Austria

2. European training and connecting sport stakeholders

Mentoring Guidelines (IO 4)
Guidelines how to use the powerful tool of mentoring to enhance the participation of migrant women and girls

Sport Women Online Toolkit (IO 3)

3. Transnational Networking and advocating for policy change

Womens’ Football Magazine (IO 6)
A special edition of the regular w-magazine published by the Portuguese Players Union focusing on the situation of minority and migrant football players.

Video presentation of magazine: Youtube

Event “A White girls club?” (Online)
Dicussion event debating the (lack of) diversity in female football in Europe: Poster

An obstacle course – Inclusion and participation of migrant women & girls in sport (Vienna, May/June 2021)
European networking conference in Vienna, held hybrid (Online & with participants, in English and German):
Conference Report

4. Education and Raising public awareness

Animated Educational Videos (IO7)
Animated Vidoes telling us the stories of Irina, Vezna, Paila Latifah, Nesreen, Amina and Raja – 7 migrant or minrority girls trying to find their way to sport in Italy, the barriers they are facing and how they overcame them – or not.

Vezna and (broken) glory dreams: Youtube

Raja and the dangerous ball: Youtube

Paula and the time: Youtube

Irina and mandatory sport: Youtube

Nisreen who just wanted to swim: Youtube

Latifah and the sense of beauty: Youtube

Amina modesty: Youtube

Sport Inclusion Events during the European Week of Sport 2020 & 2019
Highlighting the contribution of grassroots sport towards inclusion: Poster

Exhibition & booklet – in]visible – minority and migrant women in sport (IO 8)
They are often made invisible, but they exist: migrant and minority women in sport. These 16 portrays tell powerful stories of great women and intend to empower others to make their way towards sports.

Exhibition Banners
Booklet in German
Booklet in German


External evaluation report by Huis voor Beweging

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