Following Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Europe is facing the largest movement of refugees since the Second World War. Solidarity with and inclusion of refugees is once again under scrutiny. Our EU project Sport Inclusion for Refugees across Europe (SPIN Refugees),...
The project “Sport Inclusion of Migrant and Minority Women” (SPIN Women) has aimed to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities for women and girls with an immigrant or ethnic minority background through increased participation in sports and recreational...
A physical training workshop on inclusive sport gathered the partner organizations of the SPIN Refugees project. The three-day train-the-trainer workshop in Zurndorf (Austria) trained participants to become Trainer Inclusive Sports. The trainers will become experts...
After 2,5 years of great work, the project “Sport Inclusion of Migrant and Minority Women – Promoting sports participation and leadership capacities (SPIN Women)” came to an end. The conference “An obstacle course – Inclusion and...
On 20 June is World Refugee Day and SPIN network partners are getting ready to celebrate this special day. With our project „SPIN Refugees“ led by VIDC-fairplay we are network partners of the „Integration of Refugees through Sport (IRTS)“ platform. The IRTS Networking...
We look back on two exciting conference days and would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants for their active support! From Monday 31 May to 1 June 2021, our conference An Obstacle Course – Inclusion and Participation of Migrant Women &...