An online event organised and hosted by the Sport inclusion Network (SPIN).

In 2015, Europe witnessed one of the biggest movements of Refugees, the so called “refugee crisis”. What is the situation now, ten years after the arrival of refugees from conflict ridden countries including Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan? Which (new) role does sport play in the integration process? Given the experience thus far, looking beyond the European Union, and the use of sports as a bottom-up approach to facilitate integration, what are the current transnational challenges regarding the social inclusion of refugees and displaced persons using sport as a platform for integration of refugees and other vulnerable groups?
The aim of this first SPIN Networking Webinar is to foster an exchange of experience and to provide an international platform to learn from each other. The online event brings together a group of sport stakeholders, NGO activists and refugee initiatives – including member organisations of the emerging SPIN Network – to explore innovative ways for social inclusion in, and through sport and to increase our collective efforts and impact.
14:00 – Introduction by moderator Stefan Belabed, SPIN Network Coordinator
14:05 – Presentation of the SPIN network – Kurt Wachter (fairplay-VIDC), SPIN Chair
14:15 – Round Table “Social Inclusion of Refugees through Sport – Exchange of experience and learning from each other”
Raymond Onyango and Chris Kach (Kayole Starlet Football Club) on inclusivity and social justice in Nairobi, Kenya
Petar Rosandić (SOS Balkanroute) on human rights violation of refugees in the Western Balkans Region and active solidarity
Claudia Nystrand (Monaliiku) on the project “OUTdoor for INclusion: Improving resilience and integration for refugees and migrant women through outdoor experiences”
15:00 – Open floor – Exchange and questions from participants
15:45 – Closure & Next Steps facilitated by Stefan Belabed
16:00 – End
Date & Time
Monday, 3rd February 2025
14:00- 16:00 MEZ (Berlin, Wien) / 13:00-15:00 (Lissabon, London) / 16:00-18:00 (Nairobi)
How to join?
Zoom event with the possibility for all participants to contribute and discuss.
Participation is free of charge, however please register until 30 January here:
info [AT] sportinclusion [DOT] net
Zoom-Meeting Link
Passcode: spin
SPIN Network
Sport should be equally accessible for all in society. However, marginalized groups, including refugees, migrants, and ethnic minorities – particularly women and girls – face barriers when participating in sport and physical activities. The international Sport Inclusion Network (SPIN) has been formed to address these barriers along with often intersectional dimensions of discrimination. Our goal is to make full use of sport as a means for social inclusion and integration. A key focus of the SPIN network is to support, empower and capacity-build grassroots initiatives and minority organisations.
Join the SPIN network
Your organization is active in the field of sport and social inclusion? You want to contribute to the work of SPIN and you are interested in joining the SPIN network as a member organisation? Find out more!