
Despite the positive effects of sport on everyone, certain groups in sport are underrepresented. The SPIN Youth project aims to increase the participation of young people with diverse backgrounds in sport, both active and in non-playing positions, and contributes to the creation of inclusive, discrimination-free sport environments which pro-actively welcome diversity and equality.

The goal is to find methods to increase sport participation of diverse young people, in particular young refugees and migrants.

Type & number of beneficiaries:
350+ young people (age 15-27) with refugee/migrant background will be actively involved. 20 sport, youth, and migrant organizations, 16 youth sport leaders & 15 role models are trained. 8 panels with 40 diverse young people will work with 80 sport stakeholders. Public sport events involve 1200 people.


Project duration: January 2024 – June 2026 (30 months)

Workstream 1: Empowerment and Capacity Building of Young People with Diverse Backgrounds

1.1 European Youth Training Academy
1.2 Follow-up Online Meetings

Workstream 2: Participation, Barriers and Needs of Diverse Youth in Sports: Youth Panels and Youth-led
Action Research

2.1 Establishing Youth Panels
2.2 Implementing Action Research
2.3 Report Paper: Analysis of Results of Action Researches

Workstream 3: Youth Co-creation of Sport Inclusion Activities

3.1 Elaborating and Designing Youth-led Action Plans
3.2. Piloting Action Plans: Implementing Activities and Events

Workstream 4: Raising Awareness and Dissemination

4.1. External Communication and Dissemination
4.2. Young Players as inclusion role models
4.3. Digital Toolbox for Youth Engagement in Sport
4.4 European Networking Conference “Sport Inclusion and Empowerment of Young People with Diverse

For details, download the SPIN Youth project leaflet.


Lead Organization: Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC)

Implementing partners: FAI – Football Association of Ireland, Camino (Germany), UISP – Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti, SJPF – Portuguese Players Union, Huis voor Beweging (The Netherlands), Liikkukaa – Sport for all (Finland), IZI – Igrajmo Zajedno Inicijativa (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The SPIN Youth project is co-funded through the Erasmus+ programme (Sport 2023).


  • Kurt Wachter (Project coordinator)
  • Stefan Belabed (Project manager)

VIDC-fairplay initiative
Moellwaldplatz 5/9
1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43-1-7133594-90 or 94

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